Your Deferred Defined Contributions

You were part of the Defined Contributions Plan if you paid pension contributions after 1 January 2012 into the Scheme.

As a deferred member, you may leave your pension account invested in the Scheme until you decide to draw your pension or you may transfer the value of your pension account to another registered pension arrangement

If you leave your account with the Scheme, you won’t be able to pay any more contributions into it unless you join again for a new period of membership.  The value may fall or rise, depending on financial market conditions. You can keep track of the value of your pension account by going onto the secure Broadstone website, Broadstone Engage Member, where you can set up password protected access if you have not already done so.

We recommend that you continue to actively review your investment choices and use Broadstone Engage Member to make any changes when needed.  

Please ensure that you keep the Scheme administrators Broadstone Consultants & Actuaries Ltd informed of your up to date address.

The Ministers & Staff Section and Basic Section explanatory booklets provide full details of the Scheme, and can be found in the Document Store. The options available to deferred members are in the section headed ‘What happens if I leave the Scheme’.  If you have any queries please contact Broadstone Consultants & Actuaries Ltd.

How to transfer out your Deferred Defined Contributions

If you wish to transfer out your Deferred Defined Contributions, you should contact Broadstone Consultants & Actuaries Ltd.  If you are unsure of the consequences of transferring your benefits then please seek independent financial advice.

You can also contact the Scheme administrators with any general queries about transferring out of the Defined Contributions arrangement.  They cannot give you financial advice but can explain how the Baptist Pension Scheme works, in general terms.

Managing your investment choices

When you joined the Defined Contribution Plan, you will have chosen either to invest your pension account in the Default Option or to self select your investments from a range of funds provided by Legal & General. You can change your choices at any time while you are a Deferred Member and you should regularly review your investment strategy and make any changes when needed. The right choices for you now may not be appropriate later on.

You can find full details of your investments and the range of available funds on the Broadstone Engage Member website.

If you are unsure of the consequences of switching investment funds, then please seek independent financial advice.


Update regarding Employer Contributions and Life Assurance Cover (February 2024)

All members of the Scheme's Defined Contribtion (DC) plan were sent a letter in February 2024 detailing changes to Employer Contributions and Life Assurance Cover.  A copy of the letter can be found below.

DC Member Letter re Employer Contributions and Life Assurance Cover (February 2024)


Important Note

Please note that you only need to consider your investment choices in relation to your Defined Contribution membership. If you are also a deferred member of the Defined Benefit Plan, the Trustees of the Baptist Pension Scheme decide on the investment strategy and there are no investment decisions for you to make in relation to your membership before 2012.



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