The Expression of Wish is your nomination of the person/persons you would like to receive from the Scheme, any lump sum payable on your death.
You can nominate anyone to receive such a lump sum, whether or not they are related to you. You can ask for the lump sum to be split between as many people as you wish and state the proportion that you would like each one to receive.
Please note that Inheritance Tax rules are under consultation by the UK government and may result in death benefits being subject to Inheritance Tax. You may wish to bear this in mind when nominating your beneficiary/ies and keep up to date with tax rule changes.
The choice of beneficiary/ies is at the Trustee’s discretion but your wishes will be taken into account.
The Expression of Wish form can be completed or updated at any time if your wishes or circumstances change via Broadstone Engage Member. If you have any difficulties accessing or completing the form please contact the Scheme administrators Broadstone Consultants and Actuaries on