1) Understand how the Scheme works
As an Employer you are free to choose which pension arrangement to offer your staff so you need to decide whether the Baptist Pension Scheme is right for you, (see also Auto Enrolment ).
The Scheme has three different sections - Ministers, Staff and Basic
You can find out more in The Structure of the Scheme or in the Ministers & Staff Section and Basic Section explanatory booklets in the Document Store.
2) Complete and submit the Application and Expression of Wish forms
If an employee wishes to join the Scheme, then he/she and the employer should jointly complete the application form, (which also includes a Direct Debit mandate for payment of contributions) via the Scheme administrators portal www.4mystaff.co.uk.
Please note if you are enrolling a new member under the auto enrolment legislation the regulations require the employer to complete a slightly modified application form, the key difference being that the member does not complete any part of the form. The auto enrolment form can be accessed via Broadstone Engage Members.
Your employee should also review the various investment options prior to joining and be strongly encouraged to also complete an Expression of Wish form. The Expression of Wish form nominates the person(s) the employee would like to receive from the Scheme any lump sum payable on their death. The person does not have to be related to the employee. The nomination(s) can be updated at any time if the employee wishes or if their circumstances change. The choice of beneficiary/ies is at the Trustee’s sole discretion but the employees wishes will be taken into account. The Expression of Wish form can be completed or updated via Broadstone Engage Members..
Please note if you have any problems accessing or completing any of the above mentioned forms you should contact the Scheme administrators, Broadstone Consultants and Actuaries directly on baptistpensions@broadstone.co.uk.
Once the application for membership has been accepted, you will be sent a letter confirming membership and detailing the contributions to be paid.