Please let the Scheme administrators, (Broadstone Consultants & Actuaries Ltd) know when your personal details change.
Address change - in writing, by letter or email
If your email address changes
If you get married/divorced
If you change your name for any reason
Changes to your Expression of Wish Form – this form allows you to nominate the person(s) you would prefer to receive any benefits due, should you die before you have retired. You can nominate anyone, whether or not they are related to you. You can update the nomination(s) at any time if your wishes or circumstances change. The choice of beneficiary/ies is at the Trustee’s discretion but your wishes will be taken into account. The Expression of Wish form can be competed or updated via Broadstone Engage Member.
The contact details for the Scheme administrators for Defined Contribution and Defined Benefit matters can be found here.